“An Evidence-Based Review of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Current Knowledge, Controversies, and Advances in Management”

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Written assignmentClinical Review: 80% weighting to your final course markWe would like you to write an evidence-based, up to date, review article on an acute medicine area of the subject matter of interest to you. Review articles are an excellent way of collating and presenting information in an accessible and useable way. It should be an overview of current knowledge and practice. For example, you may choose to write your review on a topic such as a stroke or anaphylaxis or acute pulmonary embolism in relation to acute medicine.
We do not want:
a case report
a systematic review of the literature
descriptive essay summarising the cited literature
We do want:
criticality in your appraisal of the literature
evidence of your critical thinking should be clear
written in a style appropriate for publication in an academic journal aimed at a general audience of non-specialist physicians
The word count of 1500 words in length, excluding references, tables, figures and legends.You may want to consider the following points:Write a brief introduction to the subject that you have chosen to look at, including a brief background on the importance of investigating the topic. Describe how the condition presents clinically, what investigations are useful and how the condition is managed. Make sure that you refer to the current evidence base and show how you have assessed this highlighting any weaknesses, gaps or biases. Highlight recent developments in the area, and highlight any particular controversies. You can include a list of bullet points to summarise and clarify, any diagrams/tables/pictures that would highlight important points or algorithms to summarise investigations or management

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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