“Exploring the Concept of Nursing Theory: Incorporation, Building Knowledge, and Overcoming Barriers in Professional Practice” “Exploring the Role of National Nursing Organizations in Promoting Quality Healthcare: A Review of ANA and Other Key Organizations”

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“Exploring the Concept of Nursing Theory: Incorporation, Building Knowledge, and Overcoming Barriers in Professional Practice” “Exploring the Role of National Nursing Organizations in Promoting Quality Healthcare: A Review of ANA and Other Key Organizations”

Concept Paper grading criteria:
Select any one of the concepts studied in this course and write a 5-7 page paper (excluding title and reference page) on the topic.
Some of the concepts include nursing informatics, critical thinking, nursing theory, education level of entry in into nursing practice of nursing education , stress, compassion fatigue, professionalism, patient education, nursing history and historical figures, culture, or any others discussed in class or from your readings. If you choose a topic about nursing history or nursing theory, you can write your paper in general terms or you can select a specific theory or nurse. If you choose nursing history, you could choose a specific group such as military nurses, or write about the history of nursing in a general way.
Although APA uses only third person and not first or second person, it is acceptable to use “I” and “me” when discussing how the concept is incorporated into your practice and how you plan to continue to grow in this area.
Note: you must use the headings from the rubric or lose 10 points automatically. Criteria
Criteria Met
Criteria Partially Met
Criteria Minimally Met or Not Met
Identifies concept under study. Describes why the concept is important to nursing according to nursing literature and personal opinion.
(11-15 points)
Concept discussed in an organized, clear way with support from nursing literature.
(6-10 points)
Concept identified but discussion is disorganized without well-constructed ideas.
(0-5 points)
Concept unclear and not supported by literature.
Incorporation into practice:
Explain how the concept is incorporated into your nursing practice.
(11-15 points)
Incorporation clearly discussed using examples from own practice. Logical flow of ideas.
(6-10 points)
Discussion incorporates the concept into practice, but examples are not used or fully illustrate the concept.
(0-5 points)
No details and/or examples are given. Unclear how concept applies to practice.
Building knowledge:
Explore how you will continue to gain knowledge of the concept as you progress in your nursing education and practice. Includes a detailed and measurable plan for how learning will occur.
(11-15 points)
Discussed plan for learning about the concept in a thorough and realistic way. Plan is achievable and relevant.
(6-10 points)
Explanation unclear and without clearly identified plan for learning.
(0-5 points)
Explanation unclear and without learning plan.
Outside resources:
Describe at least two outside sources of quality information that could help you to advance your knowledge of your topic. This could include professional journals or professional organizations. How could these outside sources of information help you to build your knowledge basis for professional practice?
(11-15 points)
Includes at least two outside sources of information and explains their relevance and application in acquiring professional knowledge.
(6-10 points)
Includes at least two outside sources of information, but explanation of relevance and application in acquiring professional knowledge is not clear.
(0-5 points)
Includes fewer than two outside sources of information.
Potential barriers
What potential barriers do you anticipate as you continue to learn about your topic? Barriers could include time constraints, monetary constraints, lack of support for continued learning, etc. How will you address these barriers?
(11-15 points)
Identifies several potential barriers and includes a detailed plan of how to address the barriers.
(6-10 points)
Identifies one barrier and potential plans for overcoming them.
(0-5 points)
Has not identified barriers or plan to incorporate them is poor and lacks detail.
Mechanics, references, APA
Uses at least four professional references, two of which are articles published in professional nursing journals within the last five years. Professional references include things such as nursing journals, books, .edu and .gov sites. Organizations such as ANA, and other nursing or health related national organizations are also acceptable. Uses APA format that includes a title page and reference page.
Uses correct spelling and grammar. Don’t forget to run the spellcheck as a last step before submitting. Note: Must use the headings for all areas noted above in the rubric or lose 10 points.
(20-25 points)
Uses at least four professional references cited correctly in the paper.
APA formatting uses correct font (Times New Roman, 12 point font), title page, spacing, and use of references and headings when needed. Correct spelling.
(10-19 points)
Less than four professional references used.
APA is mainly correct with correct font (Times New Roman, 12 point font), title page, spacing, and use of references and headings when needed. Spelling is correct. No more than 5 major errors in the paper.
(0-9 points)
No references used or references not from professional

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