“Enhancing Community Mental Health Practice in Australia: The Role of Drug and Alcohol Liaison Services”

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“Enhancing Community Mental Health Practice in Australia: The Role of Drug and Alcohol Liaison Services”

Report on Community Mental Health Role in Australia – Drug and Alcohol Liaison/Services. Word Count 2000 (+/- 10%)
Develop a paper of up to 2000 words that analyses the literature and evidence concerning community mental health practices.
To do this you will need to read the literature and think about the emerging themes. These can be used to develop section subheadings to guide your writing. Think about this body of literature and how it reflects the situation in Australia so you can make recommendations for mental healthcare delivery and identify any change to practice needed.
Assessment criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
• Introduce your topic and identify appropriate definitions from the literature (20%)
• Provide an overview of the literature and evidence concerning drug and alcohol liaison role (30%)
• Present recommendations you would make for practice for state Victoria when considering the international and existing Australian literature (30%)
• Conclude your assignment (10%)
• Use appropriate written communication and referencing (10%)
Follow these points to structure your assignment.
• Introduction. Introduce your topic (Drug and Alcohol Liaison) and present your assessment aims.
• Define. Provide appropriate definitions from the literature.
• Discuss. Provide an overview of the Australian and international literature on, and evidence of, the contribution community mental health role (Drug and Alcohol Liaison) has made to care delivery for people living with a mental illness.
• Recommendations. Present recommendations that you would make to enhancement community mental health practice in State Victoria of Australia. Support your recommendations with literature.
• Conclusion. Conclude your assessment and provide a reference list.
• Reference list. All references are to follow the APA 7th edition referencing style. All references must be recent up to 10 years old.

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