“Evidence-Based Practice Paper: Exploring a Pediatric or Women’s Health Issue through Clinical Evidence”

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“Evidence-Based Practice Paper: Exploring a Pediatric or Women’s Health Issue through Clinical Evidence”

Evidence-Based Practice Paper:
Objectives of paper:  Choose a pediatric or women’s health issue NOT discussed in class and explore this issue using the clinical evidence. May be a global, regional or local issue.
Guidelines:  ***Topic must be pre-approved by faculty*** Topic to be sent to faculty by end of Week 7  Paper to be NO MORE than 5 pages excluding title page and references
 Paper to be in proper APA 7 format
 Identify and describe a clinical practice problem which affects a pediatric/childbearing client (must be pre-approved by faculty)
 Review and analyze the current research and clinical literature pertinent to the key issues of the clinical practice problem, including any published standards.  Integration of this content should also be evident throughout the paper
 Relate to and include a physiological/psychological/pathophysiological, behavioral, developmental theory
 Describe the cost implications of the problem 10
 Summarize the significance of this case to the APN role, e.g., identify relevant specialty competencies
 Efficacy of writing style, grammar, spelling, correct citations, current APA 7 format, and logical progression of ideas

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