“Comprehensive Management of a Critically Ill Patient on Mechanical Ventilation: A Case Study”

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“Comprehensive Management of a Critically Ill Patient on Mechanical Ventilation: A Case Study”

Please include all information given especially the vent settings Cover the entire medical case of a patient from their entrance to the hospital to the present time. Include the assessments, treatment decisions, and outcomes of those treatments. Include the explanation, rationale and outcomes of patient assessment, disease/trauma pathology, ventilator strategy and management, respiratory therapeutics, patient education, pulmonary rehabilitation and experimental therapies. Include the long-term prognosis of the patient. NOTE: These are not copies of the patient’s chart. This should be written in an explanatory essay style. Support your paper with a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed and/or scholarly resources. Summarize your major findings in an organized, 1-page outline. Include a cover page
List all references on a separate APA formatted reference page. References must include title, author, and page numbers. The outline, cover page, and reference page are not counted as part of the 6-page requirement. • Patient assessment findings and interpretation • Disease /trauma pathology • Respiratory Therapeutics • Ventilator strategy and management • Experimental therapies • Long term prognosis All sources are listed in an APA-formatted reference page at the end of the written report. Should not be plagiarized, keep me updated on the case study please
I sent on file an example of how I want the case study to look like and sound like. Please use it as reference.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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