“Empowering Patients: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Your Health Needs” Page 1: Empowering Patients: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Your Health Needs Welcome to your personalized educational brochure! This brochure has been designed to provide you with important

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“Empowering Patients: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Your Health Needs”

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Empowering Patients: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Your Health Needs

Welcome to your personalized educational brochure! This brochure has been designed to provide you with important

Design and create an educational 2 page brochure or pamphlet that addresses the following for the selected patient using this patient information 1. Include relevant health information necessary to educate your patient on their healthcare needs. Describe and define the health diagnoses, treatments, and at least one medication listed in the patient portal. Explain relevant statistics and individual health vital signs related to the patient’s medical history. 2. Recommend at least 3 additional reputable sources of support for patients with similar health needs/diagnoses. Consider the context of your individual patient, and be sure to include any recommendations on how to access sources of support based on racial/ethnic background or culture, socioeconomic status, educational background, health literacy, and linguistic proficiency. 3. Support the development of your educational plan by consulting and referencing 3 to 5 reputabbcile sources.
*please add pictures. thanks.

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