Title: The Importance of Professional Values in Nursing Practice: A Critical Analysis of Confidentiality and Respect

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Title: The Importance of Professional Values in Nursing Practice: A Critical Analysis of Confidentiality and Respect

Preparation for Academic and Professional Learning
Formative assessment
5. Assignment brief
“Students are required to demonstrate high standards of professional conduct at all times during their placements. Students should work within ethical and legal frameworks, and be able to articulate the underpinning values of The Code (NMC, 2018). The Professional Values reflect a number of proficiency statements and are captured under the 4 sections of The Code”.
Using the best available evidence, reflect on how a selected Professional Value of the NMC Code (2018) can underpin your future nursing practice.
In this assignment you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of search strategy, evidence-based practice, self-awareness and reflection and the skills required for academic writing.
The structure of this assignment incorporates Driscoll’s reflective model (OU 2022)Select one of the Professional Values from the Prioritising People domain of the NMC Code (2018), adapted for BePAD.
The student:
• – maintains confidentiality in accordance with the NMC code
• – is non-judgemental, respectful and courteous at all times when interacting with patients/service users/carers and all colleagues.
• – maintains the person’s privacy and dignity, seeks consent prior to care and advocates on their behalf
• – is caring, compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others.
• understands their professional responsibility in adopting and promoting a healthy lifestyle for the well-being of themselves and others.
Stage 1: Develop, Describe and Justify a Search Strategy (900 words approx)
In Stage 1, you will devise, justify and carry out an effective search strategy based on one of the NMC professional values contained in domain 1: Prioritise People. This will include developing a PICOT question and keyword search table and finding and appraising relevant, quality evidence to support your assignment.
Give an overview of the NMC Code (2018) and identify which professional value you have chosen to focus on from the NMC Code (2018)
State your aim for this assignment (which is to analyse your selected professional value in order to understand its importance and relevance)
Provide an overview of the structure of your assignment.
With reference to your reading:
State why it is important to have a focussed search question
• Outline the two main approaches to nursing research that you might use to answer your question
• Explain when and why you would choose either approach
• Justify which approach you used
State your PICOT question based on the chosen professional value
With reference to the research question you established, explain:
• what PICOT is
• how it is generally used
how you applied it in order to refine the question and identify the key words/synonyms
With reference to the tools below, describe and justify your search strategy:
Boolean operators
Wild Cards
Include the results of your search strategy
Critically appraise one of the papers you have found and establish its relevance to addressing your research question.
For more information about the Code, please visit: www.nmc.org.uk/code

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