Option 2: Innovative Approaches to Caring for Service Members and Veterans

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Option 2: Innovative Approaches to Caring for Service Members and Veterans

**Please put option 1 or 2 in the subject line. One of your peer responses should address the other topic.
OPTION 1: Care of the LGBTQ Community
After review of the sources provided under the week 6 content tab and the assigned readings, watch the following video and answer the following questions.
LGBT Healthcare Training Video: “To Treat Me, You Have to Know Who I Am”

Think back to your nursing school experience and reflect on the new hire orientation program in your organization.
Was the care of special populations like the LGBTQ community addressed? If so, how? If not, what was missing?
Based on the readings and video, what do you propose could be done to strengthen the orientation program at your organization in regards to caring for special populations?
What changes will you make to your own personal nursing practice as a result of what you are learning this week?
OPTION 2: Veteran Care
Video: Tessa was ready to deploy with her unit, until her doctor told her she’d have to stay behind. Returning to her previous life turned out to be more difficult than she planned. Hear how Tessa was able to find solutions—for herself and for her family.
Video: From a self-described “happy kid” to a determined Marine – Bryan returned home thinking he’d forever lost the ability to feel. Hear him tell how he overcame IEDs, posttraumatic stress, and the unique challenges of a long-distance romance. Bryan got his life on a better track with help from VA.

After you view the videos, discuss why it’s important to have innovative approaches to preparing nurses to care for service members and veterans. Discuss what resources are available to veterans in your community. (View all the videos located undluver Week 4 Video Animations).

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