Title: Leading Practice Changes: Utilizing Lewin’s Change Theory and Leadership Principles to Address Healthcare Issues

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Title: Leading Practice Changes: Utilizing Lewin’s Change Theory and Leadership Principles to Address Healthcare Issues

In your presentation, you are to develop and present a plan to lead the practice changes required to address the issue for review.
1.) Using Lewin’s Change Theory (Unfreezing, Movement, Refreezing) present how you will successfully implement change, maintain change and avoid resistance to change.
2.) Describe and explain the following principles of leadership to support your plan. How will you:
Developing your team(s)
Build a nurturing, positive workplace culture
Motivate your team members
Empower your team members
Develop your emotional intelligence
Enable effective change
3. Show in-depth knowledge and understanding of the concept of Lewin’s Change Theory by supporting your statements with literature.
Tip: Remember the focus is on leadership and not on the nuances of clinical practice.
Introduction (1 slide, 1 minute)
What you propose will occur during the Unfreezing stage with implementation of relevant leadership principles (2 slides)
What you propose will occur during the Changing (Movement) stage with implementation of relevant leadership principles (2 slides)
What you propose will occur during the Refreezing stage with implementation of relevant leadership principles (2 slides)
Conclusion (1 slide, 1 minute)
Powerpoint presentation with the audio function must be used for this task. The slides should inform and engage the viewer
On your introduction slide, include the following details: LASTNAME, Firstname, student number – S222 NUR367 Assessment 4
Students can decide on the font appropriate for the slides, keeping in mind that the use of italics, light coloured font and small-size font can make slides difficult to read
The audio must be clear and engaging with a clear message
Referencing style must following CDU APA 7th
Referencing Style 2022 with a minimum of 5 journal articles, studies, books or other literature to support your statements. For best marks, use references published withbciin the last 5 to 7 years

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