Advocating for Adolescent Mental Health: An Advocacy Plan for Portage County, Wisconsin

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Advocating for Adolescent Mental Health: An Advocacy Plan for Portage County, Wisconsin

APA 7 Format using headings listed below
No maximum number of sources needed, but sources must be reputable websites ending in .org, .edu, .gov, etc.
Create an Advocacy Plan for Adolescents in Portage County, Wisconsin (United States) experiencing suicidal ideations
Advocacy Plan (level 1 heading)
Develop a detailed advocacy plan for the community that a community nurse could implement in the community’s setting to address the health issue. The advocacy plan should focus on disease prevention, health maintenance or health promotion of the community, not the individual. Be creative!
1. The advocacy plan should have a goal and specific interventions needed to achieve the goal. Make sure the goal is S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely). Make sure your goal is community based and not focused on the individual community member. List how you would evaluate the goal. 2. Interventions can be written in a list format; be specific and community nurse based. Incorporate at least one resource/agency/organization within your community to assist with the advocacy plan, excluding hospitals and clinics. At least one intervention needs to be supported by an evidence-based article from a nursing journal. Identify the article and explain how it supports the intervention and helps meet the assigned goal.
3. A community nurse needs to think broadly and take small steps to help make any ripples in the water. Think about: A. Providing education
B. Providing awareness, advocating for policy changes
C. Reducing stigma
D. Assessment / evaluation programs
E. Linking resources the affected population can access
4. Remember, community nurse does not individually change laws, build buildings, raise funds individually, individually assess each community member, and also cannot change everything.
Collaboration (level 1 heading)
5. Identify who the nurse will collaborate with to strengthen the advocacy plan’s implementation and goal achievement. Identify agency/resources that may be available at the community, county or state level. Be specific.
Vulnerable Populations (level 1 heading)
6. List how each vulnerable population including disabled, homeless, mentally ill, elderly, adolescents, chronically ill, and culturally diverse will benefit from the advocacy plan. Provide at least 2 sentences for each vulnerable population group of how the plan could impact them. If the plan is not applicabbcile to a population group, explain why.

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