“Leadership Skills and Qualities for a Nurse Manager: Evaluating My Potential Effectiveness”

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“Leadership Skills and Qualities for a Nurse Manager: Evaluating My Potential Effectiveness”

Skills Necessary for a Nurse Manager
Nurse managers have a number of different jobs that require different skills and qualities in order to be able to complete their duties. There are many different skills and qualities that are important for a nurse manager to hold but the ones I find important are the ability to communicate efficiently, remain calm under pressure, open to fill different roles that are needed to be filled on the unit, fluent in new research, human resource, and critical thinking, (Herzing University, n.d.). These qualities are important to uphold because other nurses need to be able to feel they can look up to and communicate with a unit manager. These qualities are also important to show they are qualified to uphold a higher role on the unit. Skills I Possess Skills or qualities that I feel I possess are remaining calm under pressure, being able to communicate effectively with nurses, patients, or family members, and critical thinking. Another skill that I have learned is the ability to fill different roles by floating to different floors and sometimes having to be in charge of either my current floor or other floors when floating. Evaluation and Implementation of Current Skills in Leadership Based on my current skills I feel I am still learning on how to become a better leader. With only having one year of experience I think of myself as still growing into a good leader by holding the skills and qualities I currently have. Working on a heart failure floor, there are patients that have fluid overload and a lot of the time have a hard time laying flat as the fluid pushes on their lungs. Working the night shift we tend to have a lot of patients that wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time breathing. During these situations its important to remain calm and think critically on what the patient might need. During these situations we get the patient’s vitals, sit them up, and expect the doctor to order a chest x-ray, lasix, and possibly some blood work. During this situation it’s important to be able to effectively communicate with the doctor about what is going on with the patient.
What Skills and Qualities are Necessary to be a Leader and Manager in Nursing?
To be a leader in nursing, one must always be learning. As explained in the learning content video by Patricia Benner, if you see another facility or organization doing better, find out how and learn from them to improve your setting. ( RealizeIt, 2022). She explains that a very important aspect of leadership is being very involved with the front line because that is where the changes happen. I agree with her because if leadership doesn’t understand how their decisions and actions would affect patient care, their leadership will not be effective or beneficial. In my own opinion, leaders should have some experience in the department that they are leading, they should be organized, unbiased, and make themselves available as a mentor.
Which of these skills and qualities do you feel you possess? Evaluate your potential (or current) effectiveness as a leader based on your identified skills and provide an example in which you could demonstrate them.
I feel that I possess many skills required to be a leader. I am an eager and continuous learner, I am organized and maintain good relationships with my peers and others. In my position, I am very close with local EMS and Law Enforcement and I am always looking for ways to improve our processes based on feedback I get from them. I seek out their opinions, we discuss issues we have faced and work to resolve them within our facility. In my facility, we only have two ER beds and there are only two ER nurses who take care of ER patients and Outpatients. So we are essentially running the ER and Outpatient Departments without the title of “Manager”. We do, however, have DON that we look to for guidance if policies and/or protocobcils need to be updated.

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