“Addressing Health Disparities for Marginalized Populations: A Position Paper on the Impact of Power and Politics” Introduction: Health disparities among vulnerable and marginalized populations have been a long-standing issue in the United States. Despite efforts to improve access

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“Addressing Health Disparities for Marginalized Populations: A Position Paper on the Impact of Power and Politics”
Health disparities among vulnerable and marginalized populations have been a long-standing issue in the United States. Despite efforts to improve access

Final Intensive Writing Assignment
Purpose: This assignment is designed to prepare students to review literature related to health issues for vulnerable or marginalized populations, analyze the content and develop a clear course of action to address the issue. Student will also consider how power and politics influence health and wellbeing of a population and the ways in which policies affect their own practice.
Directions: The Weekly Writing Assignments throughout the course have focused on a particular nurse’s political/community work with vulnerable or marginalized populations to address issues impacting health and wellbeing. The Final Intensive Writing Assignment will allow students to integrate the knowledge gained throughout the weekly writing assignments to develop a position paper.
A position paper presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and defensible. Ideas that you are considering need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and organizing your paper. It is very important to ensure that you are addressing all sides of the issue and presenting it in a manner that is easy for your audience to understand. It is important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims, as well as to refute the counterclaims to show that you are well informed about both sides.
Choose a specific vulnerable population identified in the NRSG 3411 Health Care Law and Ethics syllabus and identify a specific health-related issue affecting that population.
Cite 5-7 credible sources which provide information and statistics describing/discussing the issue you have chosen.
Develop a 7-10 page position paper on this health- related issue.
A position paper should be composed of three parts:
An introduction which describe the issues and states the position.
The body of the paper, which provides background information, supporting evidence or facts and a succinct discussion of both sides of the issue.
A conclusion which provides suggested courses of actions and possible solutions.
Students will also complete an addendum to this position paper, briefly (no more than 1 page) answering the following questions:
How do power and politics influence solutions to health-related issues?
How might this assignment impact your own carefjker in the future?
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