“Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: A Research Review and Recommendations for Change at a Clinical Site”

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“Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: A Research Review and Recommendations for Change at a Clinical Site”

The Research Review post must include:
a summary of the key points (not the whole article) from a current (within the past three years), relevant (the topic must be one that is on the topical outline for the Unit), research article (peer reviewed journals only, e.g., JAMA, SCCM, NEJM, no e-journals)
a statement of what the research study recommends. Compare this with the current practice guidelines for the problem under discussion and what is actually practiced at your clinical site (choose an article with recommendations that are applicable to your site)
based on this latest research from the article you reviewed give your recommendations for change at your preceptor’s site with rationale and
the results of your discussion when you presented your recommended changes to your preceptor at your practice site.
Discussion of Leader Role. How can you as a nursing APN Leader implement the current Research Review. This section is more about you as a leader rather than focusing on a discussion surround-ing your current preceptor.
The criteria for grading are:
10 points: Source of current relevant research article 20 points: Introduction and Summary 10 points: Statement of specific research recommendation 15 points: Comparison with current guidelines and practice at your clinical site 10 points: Recommendations for change 15 points: Results of presentation to preceptor 10 points: Use of APA format
10 points Discussion Leader Role My comments for your RR:
Dissect this research manuscript up like only an acute care NP can do and review it academically.
Talk to me about:
1. Limitations of a single center vs. multi center research / small “n”/not a RCT etc. Open your stats book and tell me that although randomized, controlled, research studies are at the top of the research pyramid, A retrospective single-center study on patient has its value as well.
2. The statistically significant p-values which are defined by the author as p<0.05 (and I agree with that they are correct that statistical significance is achieved when the p-value is <0.05 –memorize this for your boards) 3. Talk to me about the very small “n” of for example 16 vs. studies that enroll larger amounts of subjects. When your “n” is very small you will acknowledge in your manuscript that you may have difficulty generalizing this to the general population. But this does not make this study insignificant, you just want to be transparent!!! 4. Talk about the very clear time frames of this study 5. Tell me exactly what the primary outcomes are and if there are secondary outcomes the authors were studying talk about these also. Were the author’s primary outcomes mortality or surviving?? 6. Talk to me about the baseline characteristics of the subjects enrolled in this study. Where the baseline characteristics similar because that is very good. Pyramid of Evidence: Haynes (2006) established an organizing framework to explain the importance and contribution of different levels of information to evidence-based healthcare delivery. The framework is organized in a pyramid with 5 levels including: studies, syntheses, synopses, summaries, and systems and referred to as the 5Ss (Haynes, 2006). Research studies form the base of the pyramid as you can see below. Additional types of evidence that form the bottom layer of the pyramid include case studies and concept analyses. Haynes describes the remaining layers of information in the pyramid as moving upward. These levels are syntheses or systematic reviews, synopses, or brief evidence-based journal abstracts, summaries such as evidence-based textbooks, and finally systefjkms such as computerized decision support systems.

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