“Utilizing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Primary Healthcare: A Focus on UpToDate and Vermont Department of Health Access”

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“Utilizing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Primary Healthcare: A Focus on UpToDate and Vermont Department of Health Access”

Clinical practice guidelines are suggestions to providers for treating patients with particular illnesses. The best available research data and practical experience should serve as their foundation. The primary healthcare where I do my clinical uses many clinical guidelines on the internet; however, the two clinical guidelines that my preceptor uses are UpToDate and Vermont Department of Health Access Clinical Practice Guidelines. In my observation, UpToDate guidelines are very user-friendly and easy to navigate in finding solutions to patients’ medical problems. American Academy of Family Physicians. (2022). UpToDate is the resource trusted for accurate clinical responses based on physician-authored data. The most recent medical advancements, the most vital supporting data, and valuable patient care advice are all included in UpToDate. Therefore, whatever the clinical query, it will undoubtedly have the needed responses for clinicians. With this interactive clinical decision-making resource from UpToDate, care is more tailored. UpToDate includes All newly acquired personal Laboratory Interpretation and UpToDate Pathways. Providers can access laboratory monographs and related algorithms to interpret aberrant test results swiftly. It also determines the following appropriate measures in addition to interactive, evidence-based routes that might assist you in addressing specific clinical issues and delivering more specialized care.
In addition, the Vermont Department of Health Access Clinical Practice Guidelines is frequently used in my clinical site since all of their patients’ medical insurance is Vermont Medicaid and Medicare. Vermont Department of Health Access Clinical Practice Guidelines is a companion document to the New Consolidated Provider Manual, detailing all changes on and after October 1, 2012. Department of Vermont Health Access. (2021). The Agency of Human Services of the State of Vermont’s Department of Vermont Health Access oversees the state-based exchange for health insurance in Vermont and the Medicaid health insurance program. Therefore, medical providers must abide by the guidelines set by the state health department for easy approval of any health insurance claim.
American Academy of Family Physicians. (2022). UptoDate. AAFP. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.aafp.org/membership/benefits/advantage/uptodate.html
Department of Vermont Health Access. (2021). Agency of Human Services Department of Vermont Health Access. Retrieved Septembbcier 29, 2022, from https://dvha.vermont.gov/

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