“Unpacking the Persistent Legacy of Racial Discrimination: Reflections on American History and Inequality”


Beginning on page 189, your course textbook discusses the many institutions in which legacies of racial discrimination persist in their impacts today. For example, disparities in home ownership persist from the Jim Crow era, resulting in disparities in outcomes in education, employment, and, ultimately, in income and wealth. Reflect on the history of American racial/ethnic relations, as well as its political and economic transformations from the post-Civil War of the late 1800s, to the high industrialization of the 1900s, and, finally, to the globalization and deindustrialization of today’s economy. At what historical point do you think that more could have been done that would have resulted in less racial/ethnic inequality today? (In other words, was Reconstruction successful? Why didn’t the Civil Rights Act have all of its intended effects? Ask yourself similar questions.) Use concepts, ideas, and facts from your course textbook or other legitimate sources to support your argument. This is a discussion post that requires two replies


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