Training Plan for Improving Patient Care Outcomes through Price Transparency in Healthcare Services

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Training Plan for Improving Patient Care Outcomes through Price Transparency in Healthcare Services

Case Study Instructions: Read the following manuscripts listed below. House M, Hunt, S, Umeh, A (2020). Improving Price Transparency for Consumer Health Care Services. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences. (32:2).
Hans C, Floyd E, Maffett M. (2020). The Only Prescription is Transparency: The Effect of Charge-Price-Transparency Regulation on Healthcare Prices. Management Science. (66:7). P 2861-2882.
Sinaiko A, Rosenthal M. (2016). Examining a Health Care Price Transparency Tool: Who Uses It, And How They Shop for Care. Health Affairs. (35:4). P. 662-670.
Jenny H, Jenny B. (2020). A Healthy Dose of Price Transparency in US Health Care Services. JAMA Surgery. 155(7). P544-545.
Laffer A, Horn B, Van L, Fisher C. (2022). Employers Can Revolutionize American Healthcare and Accelerate Economic Growth by Embracing Price Transparency. Independent Review. (27:1). Pg 5-22.
Pick one of the topics/questions below and create a well-designed training plan that you might use for patient education and/or staff education regarding Price Transparency. These will be similar yet different since your audience is different. Does Price Transparency influence quality of patient care?
Pros and Cons of Consumer “Shopping” based on Price Transparency?
How does Price Transparency impact Economic Growth?
What are physician perceptions of autonomy for making medical decisions for their patients by Price Transparency?
Has the regulation of Price Transparency for health care service improved patient care outcomes?
III. You can use the following link for ideas on how to develop a training plan. Be sure to identify what your audience is when you submit your training plan for each.
Designing Training Plans and Learning Objectives – Management Library (
This need not be overly formal but I do want it to be thorough since you may be doing this activity, or one like it, in your future management roles. Immediately, I’ll get questions from you about page length, format, etc. You need to start thinking about producing works that complete a thought or a process rather than getting you finished with the work as quickly and minimally as possible. So, the answer to the page length and format questions is: it should be as long as it needs to be to convey all the appropriate information and in a format that is easy to decipher what the training program is about so that the individual reading it leaves with knowledge. Have fun with this! You don’t need to restrict your study to just the articles listed above, but whatever you use should be peer-reviewed and everything (including the articles listed below and/or the website on training that I have provided to you above) should be properly cited (in-tebcixt and bibliography) using APA format.

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