Title: Workflow Redesign and Implementation Plan: Improving Operational Efficiency in a Real-World Setting

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Title: Workflow Redesign and Implementation Plan: Improving Operational Efficiency in a Real-World Setting

In a 3- to 4-page paper, address the following: Explain the proposed solution you selected, how it addresses the major gap you identified in the current state workflow, and how it is related to operational efficiency. Provide your future-state workflow model. The solution you would implement to address gap(s) in the current-state workflow should be clear within your new model. Be sure to copy/embed the actual image of your model, rather than just provide a link to the model.
Create a detailed use case of a real-world scenario that shows the steps of the future-state workflow you developed and discuss how it would be used in a real-world setting. Outline the major steps and organizational changes that would be necessary to transition from the current state to the future-state workflow. Explain one potential implementation strategy for the redesigned workflow that would be useful for this project. Justify the strategy’s appropriateness for your workflow and practice setting, as well as the thought process regarding this strategy. Explain how organizational structure or culture can affect the long-term success of a project implemented to improve workflow. Select 2–3 specific factors or issues and explain how they might impact the successful long-term implementation of a project. Identify at least one strategy for addressing each factor or issue you selected. Support your workflow redesign by synthesizing and integrating at least two outside resources and two of the provided Resources. Include a reference list with APA-formatted citations of the resources you used. Finally:
Combine your paper above with final drafts of the following:
Part 1—Gap Analysis Plan
Paluvrt 2—Workflow Redesign Part 1

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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