Title: “The Impact of Paper-Based Workflows on Clinical Technology: An Analysis of Workflow and Strategies for Transitioning to Electronic Records”

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Title: “The Impact of Paper-Based Workflows on Clinical Technology: An Analysis of Workflow and Strategies for Transitioning to Electronic Records”

• Read the Following and Answer Questions
“In my experience consulting, I have seen several examples of organizations that incorporate the printing of paper reports, which replicate information that has been entered and is available with the electronic patient record. These reports are often reviewed, signed, and acted on instead of the electronic information. Despite the knowledge that the information contained in these reports was outdated the moment the report was printed and the very nature of using the report for workflow is an inefficient practice, this method of clinical workflow is prevalent in many hospitals across the United States. There is an underlying fear that drives the decision to mold a paper-based workflow around clinical technology. There is also a lack of the appropriate amount of integration that would otherwise allow this information to be available in an electronic form.”
• How does workflow analysis help practicing nurses?
• Can we mold paper-based workflows into clinical information systems? Explain your answer.
• Imagine that you are the INS charged with implementing the use of electronic records. What strategies coubcild you use to promote a seamless transition?

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