Title: The Impact of Aging on Hormones and Metabolism: A Comprehensive Analysis Introduction: Aging is a natural and inevitable process that affects all living beings. As we age, our bodies undergo various physiological changes, including changes in the

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Aging and Hormone
Endocrine system secretes and controls the hormones that regulate many body processes including metabolism, use of nutrients, excretion, and reproduction.
With aging, these systems become less efficient, leading to changes in the body, such as menopause.
Need you to discuss all the hormones that are affected by aging and explained in detail how this plays a very important role in the cell lifespan and health and to explain the most important changes in the metabolism during aging.
illustrated by pictures, graphs, and tables as needed.• Format and Writing Guidelines
Must be typed on white A4 paper with 1.15 spacing, and a 1” margin at the top, bottom, left, and right of the page. A font size of 14 points for main headings, 13 for subheadings, and 12 for the text is required.

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