Title: “Practice-Based Evidence Process and Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Tools in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Case Study Analysis” Introduction The use of evidence-based practices in healthcare has been widely recognized as a crucial component in improving patient outcomes

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Title: “Practice-Based Evidence Process and Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Tools in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Case Study Analysis”


The use of evidence-based practices in healthcare has been widely recognized as a crucial component in improving patient outcomes

Write a three to four-page case study analysis addressing the questions below. In addition to the course textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your answers.
What are the steps of the practice-based evidence (PBE) process related to this case study?
As the health professional or informatics specialist working with the clinical team in the long-term care facilities, identify the following:
Elements to incorporate into the documentation that address factors identified in the original study.
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools that could be incorporated into computer systems.
How can the cost effectiveness of the new documentation requirements and standards of care be efficiently evaluated?

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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