Title: Improving Disease Management for Type 1 Diabetic Patients: The Role of Education, Communication, and Monitoring Tools

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Title: Improving Disease Management for Type 1 Diabetic Patients: The Role of Education, Communication, and Monitoring Tools

Complete the following case study by answering the questions following the scenario.
As a nurse in the endocrinology clinic, you have cared for Justin, a 22-year-old type 1 diabetic, since the age of 18 when his family relocated to the area. Justin attended a diabetic education for juveniles at the time of his diagnosis to learn about his disease, dietary restrictions, glucose testing and insulin management, activity and weight management, and appropriate health maintenance. Review of Justin’s records indicate multiple and recurrent hospitalizations related to ketoacidosis, kidney and skin infections, and now newly diagnosed renal insufficiency.
In speaking with Justin, you learn his disease management problems seem less related to his factual disease knowledge and more related to a potential lack of effective tools being used to monitor and intervene appropriately. Justin expresses interest regarding renewed education and new tools that may help him achieve a better state of health.
What types of tools are most likely to be interesting, useful and effective for this young man? Provide specific examples of devices, programs, any known applications and specific functionality that may be helpful.
What types of education and communication strategies might be most effective between Justin and various members of his health care team? Is special education needed for the tools or the team members?
Is the ability to self-determine his course and health status with new tools likely to result in behavior change related to self-care? Are the new tools likely to help uncover specific deficits or learning needs that could be remediated? If so, how?
How could integrating data capture from the new tools into Justin’s medical record improve or damage communication with his care team? Improve or impede medical decision making?
If finances were not a factor, what effect might similar education, communication, and self-monitoring tools have on global population health?
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1250 – 1500 words
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsobcift Word document (.doc or .docx).

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