Title: “Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Research Proposal and Ethics Application”

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A Research Proposal for your dissertation (including ethics application)You must write a 1900 words research proposal setting out the research project you plan to undertake which you will then write up in the form of your dissertation (assignment two). Your research proposal needs to help whoever is reading it to understand why your research question is important, and how you will go about identifying/collecting evidence which, once analysed, should enable you to answer your research question.Your research proposal should include:• An introduction to your topic and the relevant background context (policy, data, existing research evidence and theory)• Your research question – it should be clear from your background context why this is an important research question. It can be helpful to develop a research question with aim(s) and objectives for the project. Your aim(s) will be where you intend to get to once you have completed the research project (this is likely to be that you have been able to answer your research question, and write up your dissertation). Your objectives will be the steps, or smaller pieces of work, along the way to this destination• Your research methods – setting out how you will identify/collect the evidence for your project – it is important to be specific about search terms you will use, databases you will search, and how you will select your sources in a structured and robust way. It is also important to set out how you will analyse your sources – this is about how you will process the data you have identified/collected so as to be able to present findings and answer your research question• A discussion of the relevant ethical considerations which relate to your research project – this will be longer for any students completing primary research (although primary research is only an option for those who have attended the summer workshops and gained ethical approval before the new academic year)• A conclusion where you set out your expected outcomes – this is an opportunity to make your proposal coherent, to reconnect to your research question, explaining how what you have proposed will enable you to answer your research question

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