Title: Examining Mathematical Work in Teaching: A Case Study of a TIMSS Video Lesson on Exponents


MUST watch the every second of the video and read every words of every articles I provided before writing!!!
If you don’t want to spend time to watch video or read articles, don’t work with this order!!!!
All resources need to be read physically by writer himself not using any AI, writing also NO AI using at all.
Read articles first, then go to https://www.timssvideo.com/us3-exponents watch video and attached resources.
After you have watched the TIMSS video, and looked at the associated resources (e.g., the Lesson Graph, NRC Comments, etc.), write a 5-10 page written paper, in APA format and incorporating pertinent citations (They should include some the readings I provided but can incorporate other sources as well.), that tailors the readings to the particular instance of teaching you watched. In the paper, make sure you describes:
a. The nature of the mathematical aspects evident in teaching in the video
b. The ways that mathematical work was evident in, or ‘could’ have influenced, the teacher’s planned lesson (even if it did not ‘appear’ to influence their planned lesson).
c. The ways that mathematical work was evident in, or ‘could’ have influenced, the teacher’s enacted instruction (even if it did not ‘appear’ to influence their enacted instruction).
d. The way in which you would structure a teacher education experience in order to best prepare the teacher to engage in the mathematical work for teaching that lesson.
When you cited from video, please provide the exact time of video. I will upload an example of this essay. That is for other topic, do not copy or cite anything from the example essay. You can see want I want this essay looks like.