“Quantitative Research Appraisal and Evidence Matrix for POI on Pain Management in Pediatric Patients” Introduction: Pain management in pediatric patients is a vital aspect of healthcare, as it can significantly impact a child’s well-being and quality of life. However Evaluating the Evidence: A Critical Appraisal of Two Studies on Outpatient Self-Management and Support of Type 2 Diabetes

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“Quantitative Research Appraisal and Evidence Matrix for POI on Pain Management in Pediatric Patients”


Pain management in pediatric patients is a vital aspect of healthcare, as it can significantly impact a child’s well-being and quality of life. However Evaluating the Evidence: A Critical Appraisal of Two Studies on Outpatient Self-Management and Support of Type 2 Diabetes

Please read through these step-by-step directions for a better understanding of the assignment. At the end you will see a video presentation going over the rubric and how to submit. Approximate lengths of each section outlined below.
Step 1: Introduction
Write an introduction paragraph to the topic and end the paragraph with a thesis statement. The introduction should include 2-3 attention grabbing statements and end with 1 concise thesis statement that describes the overall purpose of your paper.
Step 2: Describing Quantitative Research
Describe what quantitative research is in your own words. Then discuss how and what type of Quantitative Data you would collect related to your POI. For example, if I was interested in changing a policy on pain scales in the pediatric setting, I might collect data on how many pain scales are used in the facility, what pain scores are and at what point a pain score (data) warrants medication administration to a patient and their expected level of relief. It is not necessary to include the design of a study in this section. (2-3 paragraphs or less)
Step 3: Appraisal Tools, Studies and Matrix
Locate your 2 quantitative studies so you can appraise each separately with the tool below. Your 2 studies should be highly similar to the original POI/clinical question. However, if there is a slight expanding or narrowing needed with the topic that may be permissible. For example, your original POI was to look at Dietary Management of Type II Diabetes in Adults. You find a study that is specific to nutrition and exercise to manage the diabetic adult, while you other study looks specifically at including telehealth nutrition consults and HgbA1C testing. These topics are all very related to Diabetes so they can still be used even though they may differ slightly from the original focus.
Specifically, students must include: one (1) (quantitative): meta-analysis or systematic review AND one (1) (quantitative) single study, e.g. randomized control trials, quasi-experimental studies, correlation or observational studies, case control or retrospective studies, cohort studies. Mixed studies may be used for the single study, but you can NOT use it for the next assignment. Once you have found 2 different quantitative study designs as specified, complete the appraisal tool for each study using the following link. No scoping or rapid/expedited (evidence) reviews are permitted for either study. (A systematic review can be either quantitative or qualitative. A quantitative systematic review will include studies that have numerical data. A qualitative systematic review derives data from observation, interviews, or verbal interactions and focuses on the meanings and interpretations of the participants. Be sure you correctly choosing the correct type of study for this module to avoid loss of points).
Appraisal Tool -document use this tool to appraise both quantitative studies separately. Attach the completed sections to your paper or with your assignment. Download Appraisal Tool -document use this tool to appraise both quantitative studies separately. Attach the completed sections to your paper or with your assignment. Only complete the section of the tool related to the quantitative appraisal unless you have a mixed methods study in which case you will complete all sections of the tool. Below is a copy of the same tool, but in a word document if that makes it easier for you. Appendix E 2022 Quantitative and Qualitative tool-2.docxDownload Appendix E 2022 Quantitative and Qualitative tool-2.docx Follow all the steps carefully as the tool will guide you which step to move to in each section of the tool. Review this video link to help you complete the tool: “How to complete the appraisal “Links to an external site.
Creating an Evidence Matrix Create an evidence matrix of the 2 appraisal studies for this assignment. There is an example provided to you below. Include both studies used in the appraisal from this paper on the matrix. Keep this matrix as it will be used on the following paper as well AND NU 611 if you are in the DNP track, so be sure to put it in a safe place that you will be able to easily find again. The matrix determines if students can identify the study design, methodology, findings, results, limitations, level of evidence. The matrix should be included as an appendix OR you may upload as a separate attachment if needed. Use the link below to complete. You can save the document as a pdf, use the edit function to fill in or handwrite and scan back into the assignment area. Appendix G 2022 Matrix-1.pdfDownload Appendix G 2022 Matrix-1.pdf Appendix G 2022 Matrix-2.docxDownload Appendix G 2022 Matrix-2.docx (microsoft word version) you will need to complete the matrix for this assignment Matrix Example :Download Matrix Example : This is an example of how to complete the matrix.
You will need to submit your 2 studies, completed appraisal tools and completed matrix (with each quantitative study included on it) along with your assignment. The documents may be submitted separately or merged to the paper. Step 4: Article Discussion
Use the information from your appraisal tool to discuss in detail (2-3 pages) the following information for each study: Purpose, research design and methodology (steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and analyzing data) used in each study
Data Collection describing the procedures developed to guide the collection of data in each study Concepts of validity, reliability and other related terms that are applicable to each study. A full discussion of the terms and support directly from each study is expected. Use the textbook required readings to assist with this section. Results and clinical implications Level of evidence and quality of evidence ratings (according to tool). Discuss what the level and quality ratings mean in relation to strength of the evidence and decision to sue (or not use) this information to guide practice. You need to fully support this section from evidence in the study and other resources. Understanding the levels of evidence tells you about the type of study performed, design, methods, etc. and if those findings should be applied to your own practice area. Grade of Recommendation is important because it helps you make a judgement about the quality of evidence; together they impact the decision about implementation into practice.
The following tool can be used to help you determine strength and quality, but this information is also listed directly on the tool.
John Hopkins Evidence Rating ScaleDownload John Hopkins Evidence Rating Scale
Other helpful links to understanding this information can be found in the required and recommended resources.
Step 5: Applicability to Practice and Future Research
Discuss how the two studies may influence your practice by supporting how the findings can influence at least three (3) of the Institute of Medicine Aims: safety, efficiency, effectiveness, patient-centered, timely, and equity. You must first discuss what the aim means first. Then, show how the aim can be met through the recommendations from the article that apply to your practice setting. (1/2-1 page)
Step 6: Conclusion:
Provide a conclusion paragraph to the paper summarizing all main points. A conclusion should NOT state any new information that was not previously addressed in the paper. It should not re-state the purpose of your writing but summarize the writing. Determining the main points of each section of the paper (body of text) will help you formulate your conclusion.
The phenomenon of interest (POI) I selected is outpatient self-management and support of type 2 diabetes Read:
Essentials of Nursing Research Appraising evidence for nursing practice: chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18
Evidence-based practice an integrative approach to research, administration and practice: chaptebcirs 1, 3, 4, 6

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