“Profile of Milton District Hospital: Inputs, Outputs, and Responsive Strategies to Emerging Trends in Healthcare”

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This assignment is meant to support your application of course related readings and material,
with the real world of health organizations and services. You will need to identify a Health
Service Organization or System that you have access to, as you will need to travel there. It can
be where you work, or where you have sought care yourself.
Your task will be to complete a profile of the HSO/HS.
Your assignment has five parts:
1. Outline each of the inputs for your HSO (See Figure 5.7 on page 280). (1 page)
2. Identify and describe the outputs in terms of Mission and Objectives of your HSO/HS. (1
3. Visit the HSO and collect visual evidence of the HSO/HS’s Mission and Objectives. The
focus here is on documentation and signage at the HSO/HS, not on staff, patients, or
personnel. (1 page text + 2 images).
4. Conduct a literature review and identify 2 peer-reviewed articles (drafted since 2010)
which outline threats or opportunities for HSO/HS similar to your selected case. Provide
a summary of these emerging trend (1-2 pages)
5. Provide an analysis of the extent to which the HSO’s MIssion and Objectives are
responsive to the threats or opportunities. (1-2 pages)https://www.haltonhealthcare.on.ca/locations/milton-district-hospital

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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