Prioritizing Strategies for Inclusion of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Preventing Recurrence


How do I prioritize strategies that would address inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities and prevent its recurrence. You will have an opportunity to re-visit your prioritization in Week 8 and make any necessary changes based on the feedback you receive from your peers and your Instructor during this Discussion in 300 words.
Review the Learning Resources on prioritizing strategies Consider the instructions and examples for prioritizing strategies when planning a community needs assessment.
Reflect on the social problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities. Then, complete the Prioritizing Strategies Worksheet (Parts I and II) located in the Learning Resources. 
Post a brief description of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities. Then, describe the top five strategies that you prioritized to address the problem and prevent its recurrence. Explain your reasoning for prioritizing these strategies, including how the time and resources it would take to implement each strategy influenced your decision making.    
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Community needs assessment participant workbook.
Note: Read pp. 40–51 only.
Document: Prioritizing Strategies Worksheet Download Prioritizing Strategies Worksheet(MS Word)
Stroh, D. P. (2015). Systems thinking for social change: A practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results. Chelsea Green Publishing.
Chapter 4, “Deciphering the Plots of Systems Stories” (p. 45–70)
Hart-Johnson, A. (2020). The ecology, prevention, and risk mitigation of social change. Download The ecology, prevention, and risk mitigation of social change.(PDF)