Outline for Developing a New Organizational Strategy for Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center I. Introduction A. Background information on Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center B. Purpose of the new organizational strategy C

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Outline for Developing a New Organizational Strategy for Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center

I. Introduction
A. Background information on Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center
B. Purpose of the new organizational strategy

Instructions: I’m working on a case study and I’m asking for the writer to do research and write an outline including Subtitles and bullets of what would be included in the research and references. See below” This is my portion of the report. The new organization strategy is becoming an ACO. So it’s important to research what would be need to transition to an ACO as it relates to my topic below. Please do not write a report. I just need an outline (see example and follow that format). APA Format. Choose at least 4 to 5 scholarly resources(the writer can choose)
Case Study
Your work with Intravalley Health has been well received. In fact, you have gained a reputation for insightful analysis. Given this, the board chair has asked you to assemble a consulting team to assist another healthcare organization on whose board he also serves – and where his mother receives her routine care.
The task for your team is to research and analyze the organization and develop a new organizational strategy for the Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center. This strategy will be presented to the Arroyo Fresco board via a written report and a summarizing presentation.
This is my portion of the Report :
• Description of how the strategy will be executed and measured, including financing, revenue, and expense. How will you pay for the changes you recommend? This is a critical part of the exercise o Economy and Financing
o Political Concerns (maybe for how it might impact the implementation?)
Note: Follow the attached example when completing this outline.

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