Observations and Reflections on Communication and Safety in the Clinical Milieu

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Observations and Reflections on Communication and Safety in the Clinical Milieu

What verbal and non verbal communications did you observe with your patient? What therapeutic or non therapeutic communications did you observe with the clinical staff? How did you feel about any communications you had with patients? *
What was the tone of the milieu (consider both patients and clinical staff in your assessment)? *
What observations did you make in the groups that you observed? (consider the group process/dynamics and the content of the group, the facilitator’s skills, how the facilitator opened and closed the group).
How are patients kept physically safe in the milieu? *
How are the patients getting their emotional needs met? *
In listening to report, did you observe a tone set for the shift that may impact the staff? *
Reflect on any biases you may have had today. Reflect on any feelings that arose for you today. Remember that this clinical can be triggering: this is a good time to reflefjkct on this in a safe place. NO CITATION

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