“Exploring the Impact of Nursing Education on Burnout Reporting Among Surgical Assistant Registered Nurses: An Introduction and Problem Statement”

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“Exploring the Impact of Nursing Education on Burnout Reporting Among Surgical Assistant Registered Nurses: An Introduction and Problem Statement”

This week’s assignment is STEP 1 – Introduction and Problem Statement.
For surgical assistant registered nurses, does nursing education on burnout compared to no nursing education on burnout affect professional reporting on burnout during a 1 year period. Next, the student will use the outline below and submit via a Word doc to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.
Introduction – Provide an introduction to your topic or project. The introduction gives the reader an accurate, concrete understanding what the project will cover and what can be gained from implementation of this project.
Overview of the Problem – Provide a synopsis of the problem and some indication of why the problem is worth exploring or what contribution the proposed project is apt to make to practice.
References – Cite references usibcing APA 6th ed. Manual.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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