“Exploring the Best Available Evidence: A Narrated Research Poster on a Clinical Question in Healthcare Practice” “Exploring Evidence-Based Practices in Maternal and Child Health: A Critical Analysis of Quantitative Research Articles”

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“Exploring the Best Available Evidence: A Narrated Research Poster on a Clinical Question in Healthcare Practice” “Exploring Evidence-Based Practices in Maternal and Child Health: A Critical Analysis of Quantitative Research Articles”

Task Narrated Research Poster Goal
The goal of this assessment is to write a clinical research question relevant to health care practice and then search the peer-reviewed literature to provide the evidence to answer the question.
Important notes:
– The writer will pick the PICO question
– 800 – 1000 words to be fit inside the one page.
– The writer will also write the narration script 1400 – 1600 words. – Font size does not matter as long as it is still readable. – References must not be older than 5 years. This is a must. – PICO statement that can be answered by quantitative studies only. Format/Product Oral and Written Piece
Type Individual assessment
Word Count Approx 1000 words
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Assessed
1. CLO #2 Manage information systems to identify and find relevant peer reviewed literature to explore a health care research question.
2. CLO #3 Critically appraise health care research literature.
3. CLO #4 Engage with the principles of evidence based practice to understand the requirements of delivering therapeutic and safe care across diverse health care settings.
Assessment Criteria and Rubric
Rubrics help you to understand what knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in your assessments. They also show you how your submission will be marked and what is expected at the different grade levels. The poster presentation will be assessed on the following criteria:
1. Ability to write a research question.
2. Ability to manage information systems to identify and find relevant peer reviewed literature to explore a health care research question.
3. Ability to critically appraise the literature to answer a health care practice question.
4. Visual presentation of material in a poster format.
5. Oral communication.
Task Instructions
What is a Narrated Research Poster?
Research posters are a common way to summarise the best available evidence and present the findings of a research project. Poster presentations are commonly presented in poster fairs or expos at professional conferences, and special events hosted by health care organisations. There are a variety of research posters with differing objectives/purposes. Nurses and allied health professionals are both generators and consumers of research outcomes.
Standard 1 Registered Nurse: Links to an external site.Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice. Registered Nurse’s use a variety of thinking strategies and the best available evidence in making decisions and providing safe, quality nursing practice within person-centred and evidence-based frameworks.
Standard 6 Registered Nurse: Links to an external site.Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice. Registered Nurse’s provide and may delegate, quality and ethical goal-directed actions. These are based on comprehensive and systematic assessment, and the best available evidence to achieve planned and agreed outcomes.
Standard 1 Midwives: Links to an external site.Promotes health and well-being through evidence-based midwifery practice. The midwife supports women’s well-being by providing safe, quality midwifery health care using the best available evidence and resources, with the principles of primary health care and cultural safety as foundations for practice.
Standard 5 Midwives: Links to an external site. Develops a plan for midwifery practice. The midwife critically analyses information and evidence to make professional judgements in planning for practice.
Please carefully read and follow these instructions
Students will use the detailed Assignment Task 3 marking guide Download Assignment Task 3 marking guide to prepare a recorded, orally narrated poster presentation. The marking guide provides instructions on what you need to do, and the Assignment task 3 rubric Download Assignment task 3 rubric helps you to understand how your grade is allocated based on how well you do. The narrated poster presentation will include:
• Summary of a specific health care practice issue in one of these areas o Maternal and Child Health
o Acute and Complex Care of Adults
o Healthy Ageing and Community Care
• A clinical research question about a specific health care practice issue using the PICO format. Download PICO format. By the time you start this assignment, you will have had practice writing PICO questions, and differentiate ‘research questions’ from a PICO or ‘clinical research question’. It is important to ask an answerable question: ‘Can cranberry capsules reduce UTI’s’ rather than ‘do nurses believe that cranberry capsules can reduce UTIs’?
• Description of a search for literature, and identification of 5 peer-reviewed primary literature quantitative research articles.
• Discussion of the JBI critical appraisal of the selected research articles in the narration (no submission of the critical appraisal forms).
• Summary of findings from the research articles that, if implemented, could help to answer the clinical research question.
• Use of the current APA referencing style.
• A poster template provided and should be adopted (make it your own by adding the colours, etc. you would like) by the student. Visual appeal and readability (that is professional) are key components of a poster presentation. Be mindful of the font size; the poster template is a good guide. • The total word count should be approximately 800-1000 words (+/- 10%) excluding end-text references (although we will not be splitting hairs over this, consider the word count guide). In a narration
• o Reading the poster is not acceptable, rather the information in the poster will be used as talking points to describe and summarise the content of the poster.
o Clarity of speech is critical.
o There should be an even speed when speaking, but your speaking should not be putting the audience to sleep, and lack clarity (or background noise) leaving your audience wondering what is being said should be avoided.
o Every word counts, so practice before recording will be helpful.
o After the narration is complete, compress the poster. Be sure to check that you can replay the narration before uploading. If you have technical difficulties trouble-shoot on your own, connect with peers on the discussion board or, as a lost resort contact IT. Waiting until the last minute to record and upload is not a good idea as it creates unnecessary stress, so try to have a few days before the due date and test that everything works as it should.
In a poster
• o Bullet points are acceptable, but wordiness is avoided.
o Use of images (with appropriate attribution) is encouraged.
o Writing using the first person (eg: “I” or “my”) is not acceptable.
o Academic writing is required (no colloquial terminology, use of correct medicbcial terminology).
o Visual appeal is important.

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