Developing a Comprehensive Course Outline for a Nursing Education Course: Strategies for Promoting Student-Centered Learning and Interprofessional Collaboration

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Developing a Comprehensive Course Outline for a Nursing Education Course: Strategies for Promoting Student-Centered Learning and Interprofessional Collaboration

A. Complete each of the following parts of the attached “Course Outline Template” for .the eight-week course: 1. course overview, (brief and no longer than 75 words) 2. eight weekly course module topics 3. eight weekly key concepts 4. one to two evidence-based active learning strategies per week 5. citation of scholarly sources using APA format aligned to each evidence-based active learning strategy Note: A formal narrative paper in APA format will be submitted that includes aspects B, C, D, E, and F. B. Use the information from your course outline to complete the following: 1. Justify the following three aspects of the course based on your outline’s course overview: • how the learner would benefit from taking the course • specific concepts emphasized in the course • relevance to professional nursing practice 2. Discuss how your eight weekly course module topics will cultivate the development of your course. 3. Explain how your weekly key concepts promote student-centered learning. a. Describe how your weekly key concepts align with one of the following professional standards or guidelines: • “The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice” (AACN, 2008) • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies • “Quad Council Competencies for Public Health Nurses” 4. Explain how your eight weekly key concepts align to your course overview. 5. Discuss the relevance of creating a course outline to your role as a nurse educator. C. Discuss three learning strategies from your course outline and how they address the diverse needs of learners. 1. Describe how you will implement one of your identified learning strategies from part C to address diverse learning needs. a. Identify the predominant learning style addressed by the strategy described in part C1. b. Justify how your identified learning strategy will facilitate your students’ development of clinical reasoning and self-reflection skills. D. As a nurse educator, describe how you would foster student-centered outcomes in each of the following learning environments to promote interprofessional collaboration and teamwork: • face-to-face • online • clinical E. Describe how your nursing students’ cultural, societal, and life experiences can influence their abilities to learn. F. Explain how one of the following learning theories can be applied to the development of a nursing education course: • constructivist • cognitivist •luv behaviorist • humanistic

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