“Critical Analysis of Prescribing Practice for a Patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Incorporating Pharmacological Knowledge and Clinical Governance”

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“Critical Analysis of Prescribing Practice for a Patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Incorporating Pharmacological Knowledge and Clinical Governance”

I have completed writing my essay paper but my module leader has made some comments that needed editing. This is very critical to me as I need to pass this course for work. I only need the Critical Analysis part of my essay paper to be edited. Please refer to the Case Study Notes to get an idea of the patient I am writing the essay about. I need to have 2,000 words maximum of 2,200 words on my Critical Analysis essay and need to hit all the learning outcomes that are required to pass this module. Each learning outcome should be added to each paragraph e.g. LO1, LO2, etc. Please find attached learning outcomes:
LO1: Knowledge and understanding
LO2: Synthesis and utilise pharmacological knowledge and prescribing concepts in order to undertake a patient-centred, holistic assessment and consultation
LO3: Critically analyse and apply the legislative framework relevant to prescribing
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills
LO4: Proficiently uses clinical assessment skills to enable a thorough patient-centred consultation.
Work in partnership with patients / carers and other members of the multi-disciplinary team to develop a patient-centred clinical management plan.
LO5: Critically appraise the economic, socio-political, public health, ethical and psychological issues that influence the decision-making process in prescribing practice.
LO6: Demonstrate critical safe-awareness through analysis of professional and personal development as an Independent and / or Supplementary Prescriber.
My module leader has read through my essay paper and made comments that needs editing. You can add additional ideas and resources as required. Please find attached comments:
Thank you for uploading your draft essay. We are only meant to give feedback on 20% of your essay so I have given you some more detailed feedback on the pharmacology section but also some general overall comments. This is an appropriate choice of patient. Your case notes table is mostly clear and well-structured but there are a few areas I have made comments on in the text that you need to look at – particularly relating to drug interactions. I would suggest trying to space the essay out more (1.5x line spacing is recommended) and split up the paragraphs a little as it is quite difficult to read in the current format. Check your grammar throughout as for some sentences is it difficult to follow what point you are making. Your consultation section is mostly describing consultation models and is not focussed enough on your patient. Think about what aspects of the consultation were particularly important for this particular patient. A lot of your governance section is talking more generally about non-medical prescribing. Have a think about what particular aspects of clinical governance were relevant to this patient – e.g. you could look at issues around safe prescribing of steroids. Pharmacology section: See also my comments in the text. Within this section try to really focus on what is relevant to your patient and discuss along these lines: – What is the pathophysiology of ITP (brief)? – What management does the guidelines suggest and what is the evidence to support this? – What is the mechanism by which prednisolone works to treat ITP? – What evidence supports the dose/duration you have prescribed? For the evidence that you reference you should think about the strength of that evidence and whether it is applicable to your patient.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Many Thanks.
Kind Regards.

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