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I. Introduction
a. Stated purpose
b. Definition of organizational culture vs climate
c. Broad overview of components of the paper
Purpose stated, organizational culture and climate defined; broad overview of components of paper
II. Organizational culture and climate analysis
a. Summary of assessment findings
b. Mission, vision, and goals reflected in culture and climate
c. Strengths and Opportunities for improvement
d. Climate reflective of culture
Organizational culture at the institution described using general categories from assessment and include: Physical environment; social environment; professional and personal support; organizational power structures; environmental safety; organizational communication; organizational taboos
III. Healthy, safe, person-centered care environment capacity
a. Describe the organizational culture’s capacity to support b. What would a visiting potential staff recruit experience about the institution’s culture that would attract them to work there?
c. Nurse leader’s role in setting the organizational culture and climate to promote a healthy work environment?
Organizational Mission, vision, goals specifically align to reflect categories of organizational culture and include
Physical environment; social environment; professional and personal support; organizational power structures; environmental safety; organizational communication; organizational taboos Organization culture and climate capacity to support healthy, safe, person-centered healthcare work environment; Capacity for attracting staff; Impact on nurse recruitment; Nurse leader role in setting culture and climate Description of organizational climate including at least two ways in which it specifically reflects the organizational culture
IV. Implications
a. Two strategies to address the opportunities for improvement b. Alignment of Personal Leadership Profile and Organizational Culture and Climate Minimum of three strengths of organizational culture described; Minimum of two major opportunities for improvement described
V. Conclusion
a. Broadly address the what has been accomplished in the paper
b. Benefits of the completing the assignment
Broadly address the what has been accomplished in the paper
Benefibcits of the completing the assignment
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