Concept Map: Chronic Kidney Disease

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Concept Map: Chronic Kidney Disease

Course Outcomes: partial competition of 1, 2, 3, and 4
Purpose: Student will develop a concept map of an assigned exemplar. The concept map will provide a visual representation of the critical links in etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors (including those related to age), diagnostic testing, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
1. Using the selected exemplar of chronic kidney disease, complete a concept map.
2. Include the following topics as they apply to the exemplar in the map: etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors (including those related to age), diagnostic tests, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
3. The concept map should include visual connections (lines) that demonstrate some specific connections between the pathophysiology/etiology, risk factors, manifestations, diagnostics, and treatments.
4. The concept map should also include a color coded key to assist the reader in understanding the concept. Definition and epidemiology may be placed on back or on separate page.
5. The concept map may be submitted in a word document or a PDF. The student has the option of using electronic resources (i.e. Word, Power Point) or handwriting the concept map. If handwriting the assignment, it must be scanned and submitted as a PDF.
A rubric is provided that lists all of the grading components. Please review this separate document to ensure you meet all the requirements for full points. This assignment is worth 5 points.

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