“Improving Writing Skills: Editing and Revising Your Work” Improving Writing Skills: Strategies for Effective Editing and Revising

“Improving Writing Skills: Editing and Revising Your Work”

Improving Writing Skills: Strategies for Effective Editing and Revising

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Title: A Comparison of Health Promotion Interventions for Controlling Hypertension: A Critical Analysis of Strategies, Theories, and Outcomes

Title: A Comparison of Health Promotion Interventions for Controlling Hypertension: A Critical Analysis of Strategies, Theories, and Outcomes

In this paper you will compare two health promotion interventions targeting the same health issue.
Search the library and find two articles that evaluate health promotion programs that have similar goals (Example: Both have the goal of controlling hypertension).
Identify the strategies, theories and settings that the program used.
Which health behavior are the programs aiming to change?
Why is the health behavior significant? (incidence & prevalence of issues that could occur due to health behavior)
Detail how each of the 2 programs were implemented
Compare the impact and outcomes of the two programs
Critique the two programs/interventions
5-7 pages content double-spaced, APA, title page, reference page

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Assignment 1: Research Paper on the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health Assignment 2: Proposal for a Social Media Wellness Program for Adolescents

Assignment 1: Research Paper on the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Assignment 2: Proposal for a Social Media Wellness Program for Adolescents

There are two assignments in this order. the second one is a continuation of the first one. but they cannot be combined together. please treat them separately.

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Title: “Reducing Absenteeism in a Local Hospital: A Social Marketing Case Study”

Title: “Reducing Absenteeism in a Local Hospital: A Social Marketing Case Study”

Access the national Social Marketing Center website
Browse through the collection of case studies provided in the show case page , familiarize yourself of a range of case studies provided in the show case page.
Choose one of the scenarios listed below (A-D) to develop your Case Study in a 4-5 pages APA format in addition to a title and a references page.
To develop your social marketing case study, you need to address the following outline
Please review the assignment rubric, writing and referencing instructions detailed in the course outline document.
Keep in mind that the sample provided in Brightspace is not blueprint. You need to adhere to the assignment instructions.
The absenteeism rate at the local hospital has been steadily increasing and is the highest on Mondays. You are consulting with the hospital manger to help reduce the absenteeism through a social marketing campaign.
There have been 15 injuries in the past year on the campus of Bachman Middle School. You are consulting with the school to reduce the incidence of such injuries and to develop a social marketing program.
The Social Workers of the Department of Children and Families have complained about work stress and burnout. You are consulting with the director to investigate this issue and develop a social marketing program.
The employees at the Pharmaceutical Company are often taking breaks to go outside t smoke cigarettes. There is conflict between the smokers and non-smokers regarding breaks, productivity and equity. You are consulting with the management regarding this issue to develop a social marketing program.
Briefly compare commercial marketing and social marketing highlighting the value of social marketing in health promotion for your particular case study.
Write a description of your proposed formative research to assess the problem using at least one quantitative and one qualitative data collection method (survey, focus groups, key informants, etc.)
Outline the stages of organizational change particular to this case
Describe the possible obstacles and how you might overcome them
Describe the strengths of the organization that will enable the change
Describe some possible communication channels you will use.
How would you segment an audience for a large industrial worksite fitness program? How would you identify those who need the services the most?
Use the Four P’s to outline your social marketing campaign.

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Title: The Importance of Vaccinations: A Healthcare Worker’s Perspective

Title: The Importance of Vaccinations: A Healthcare Worker’s Perspective

Mary’s one year old daughter is due to be given the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine during her next visit to the doctor. Mary is upset and concerned because one of her friend’s sons became ill after a similar vaccination. She has also heard rumors that MMR vaccine causes rubella. Mary was also told that her daughter will need to be vaccinated before Mary returns to work. Mary is not alone. Many parents face this issue. Therefore, it is important for Mary and all such parents to make decisions that are best for their children, based on facts and not emotions. Place yourself in the role of a health care worker, submit to the discussion area your plan to validate the importance of vaccination by addressing the following questions:
Why are vaccinations necessary components of the healthcare programs?
Are there reasons for people not being vaccinated despite of such elaborate healthcare programs? Explain.
What are the consequences of people not being vaccinated?
What is the impact of religious, cultural, legal, and ethical issues that parents need to consider before vaccination?
What type of information will help the parents make an informed decision about vaccinating their children?

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“Building Bridges for Better Health: A Culturally Appropriate Program Proposal for Addressing Health Barriers and Risks in a Priority Population”

“Building Bridges for Better Health: A Culturally Appropriate Program Proposal for Addressing Health Barriers and Risks in a Priority Population”

In this assignment, you will address a public health issue in the priority population identified in your previous Cultural Health Barriers-Risks Paper Assignment, offering culturally appropriate content and methods as a solution to mitigate identified health barriers and risks. The solution must be practical and acceptable to the population. Use what you’ve learned in this course to inform this. The student will research the condition and the contributing cultural determinants and then develop a program proposal to address it. The proposal must include goals, SMART objectives, and a preliminary budget to implement the program. The budget should be presented in a tabular format identifying expected start-up expenses and identifying potential funding sources. The good news is that the Liberty Health Mission Board recognizes your dedication to excellence and has offered $10,000 to each project to help the initiatives! It isn’t much, but it is a start. (Remember the parable of the talents.) Invest wisely and leverage your investment to advance your agenda. A good program evaluation strategy is always a part of funding requests. It will provide the core to the project report generated to maintain accountability to the donor organizations—so, include one. This assignment will be an actual test of the student’s ability to demonstrate competence on all course outcomes. The grade will be determined by a combination of the written and oral components. INSTRUCTIONS
 The final solution will be presented as a 12–15-slide PowerPoint presentation with presentation notes. Each notes section at the bottom of each slide must be 250–350 words in length. Assume that you will be presenting the PowerPoint to your potential partners. Create an original video presentation of this project. Record a video of you presenting the PowerPoint. The video must be 10-15 minutes.

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The Balance Between Individual Responsibility and Public Health: Examining Tradeoffs and Perspectives Across Nations

The Balance Between Individual Responsibility and Public Health: Examining Tradeoffs and Perspectives Across Nations

What is an individual’s responsibility to public health? Under what circumstances should individual liberty be curbed in order to protect the health of others? Is a reduction in personal freedom worth the benefits that health policies provide to society in terms of safety and wellbeing? Do other nations view tradeoffs in a similar way? see attached for specifics

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Title: Ethical Principles in Human Subjects Research: A Discussion of the Belmont Report and its Application in Contemporary Society

Title: Ethical Principles in Human Subjects Research: A Discussion of the Belmont Report and its Application in Contemporary Society

Answer the questions using the following sources


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Title: Strengths and Limitations of the Current Model for Public Health Services and the Role of Governmental and Private Organizations in Healthcare Delivery

Title: Strengths and Limitations of the Current Model for Public Health Services and the Role of Governmental and Private Organizations in Healthcare Delivery

In chapter 5 (figure 5-2), you can see a framework for how public health services are provided. What are the strengths and limitations of this current model? Do you think that governmental public health agencies should be the middle man between other government agencies and the healthcare delivery system? Do think that private organizations should be informing the healthcare delivery system, governmental public health organizations, and other government organizations? Why or why not?
Textbook attached for figure reference.

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