Title: Exploring the Lived Experience of New Nurse Graduates: A Phenomenological Study Introduction: The transition from being a nursing student to a professional nurse can be a challenging and transformative experience. As new nurse graduates enter the workforce,

Title: Exploring the Lived Experience of New Nurse Graduates: A Phenomenological Study

The transition from being a nursing student to a professional nurse can be a challenging and transformative experience. As new nurse graduates enter the workforce,

Write a plan to conduct a phenomenological study for the question: What is the lived experience of a new nurse graduate?
** Add provocative questions to prompt online discussion with your peers using bold print at the end.
***Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA-style in-text citations. You must cite your sources using APA format. No copying and pasting. No Wikipedia. (Research assigned content using books, journal articles, or any other reputable source.) Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will receive a zero grade. Add in some evidence-based research in the paper.

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“Exploring Foodborne Illnesses: A Review of the CDC Report and Its Implications for Nurses” 1. The epidemiological triad and transmission cycle are both important concepts in understanding and preventing foodborne illnesses. The CDC report identifies several examples

“Exploring Foodborne Illnesses: A Review of the CDC Report and Its Implications for Nurses”

1. The epidemiological triad and transmission cycle are both important concepts in understanding and preventing foodborne illnesses. The CDC report identifies several examples

Review the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) (2014) report about the incidence and trends of foodborne illnesses website
http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6315a3.htm?s_cid=mm6315a3_w (Links to an external site.). (click this website)
1. Identify examples of the epidemiological triad and transmission cycle.
2. Discuss and examine principles of distribution.
3. Locate examples of epidemiologic measures (count data, ratio, proportion, rate, incidence, and prevalence).
4. Locate examples of descriptive epidemiology (person, place, time) and frequency.
5. Discuss the purpose of this report. Name at least three ways that nurses can use these epidemiologic investigations and report findings.
** Add provocative questions to prompt online discussion with your peers using bold print at the end.
***Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA-style in-text citations. You must cite your sources using APA format. No copying and pasting. No Wikipedia. (Research assigned content using books, journal articles, or any other reputable source.) Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will receive a zero grade. Add in some evidence-based research in the paper.

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Title: Exploring Gender Differences in Social Support among College Students: A Research Proposal

Title: Exploring Gender Differences in Social Support among College Students: A Research Proposal

Consider yourselves as potential subjects for a nurse researcher who asks: Is there a difference in the role of social support between female and male college students?
1. Where do you place yourselves with the terms in Figure 11-1 (sample or population)? please see attached file Figure 11-1
2. How can the researcher best ensure “representativeness”?
3. To what target populations might the researcher want to generalize?
4. What are some possible inclusion criteria & exclusion criteria for this study?
5. How can the researcher reduce sampling error and sampling bias?
** Add provocative questions to prompt online discussion with your peers using bold print at the end.
***Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA-style in-text citations. You must cite your sources using APA format. No copying and pasting. No Wikipedia. (Research assigned content using books, journal articles, or any other reputable source.) Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will receive a zero grade. Add in some evidence-based research in the paper.

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Title: Exploring the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Reducing Anxiety in Older Adults 1. Research Study: A randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention with a control group in reducing anxiety symptoms in older

Title: Exploring the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Reducing Anxiety in Older Adults

1. Research Study: A randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention with a control group in reducing anxiety symptoms in older

Identify an area of clinical practice interest in the adult population:
1. Consider a research study that they might conduct with this population.
2. Name the independent variable (IV) (i.e., intervention) and the dependent variable (DV) (i.e., the effect of the intervention).
3. Identify extraneous variables. How would they control for those extraneous variables? Identify potential threats to internal validity.
Identify potential threats to external validity. How would they control for each type of potential threat?
4. What time dimension for data collection will they use?
** Add provocative questions to prompt online discussion with your peers using bold print at the end.
***Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA-style in-text citations. You must cite your sources using APA format. No copying and pasting. No Wikipedia. (Research assigned content using books, journal articles, or any other reputable source.) Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will receive a zero grade. Add in some evidence-based research in the paper.

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