“Closing the Health Disparities Gap with AI: A Pharmacy Innovation Challenge”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was initially conceptualized in the 1950s with the goal of enabling a machine or computer to think and learn like humans. AI is widely used by companies like Facebook (e.g. recognizing who is in a photo), and Google (e.g. providing search suggestions, or identifying the fastest route to drive). However, in the healthcare industry, AI has only made small steps towards a vast and multidimensional opportunity. There are various capacities where AI is emerging as a game-changer for healthcare industry. If AI works as promised, it could democratize health care by boosting access for underserved communities and lowering costs — especially in the United States, which ranks poorly on many health measures despite an average annual health care cost of $10,739 per person. AI systems could free overworked doctors and reduce the risk of medical errors that may kill tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of U.S. patients each year. But critics point out that all that promise could vanish if the rush to implement AI tramples patient privacy rights, overlooks biases and limitations, or fails to deploy services in a way that improves health outcomes for most people. Consider ways that AI is being applied within the pharmacy profession.Instructions:
Participating in the Innovation Challenge is an opportunity for you to ‘think outside the box’ in the development of solutions to some of today’s most pressing pharmacy and health care challenges.Design a service that uses AI to close a health disparities gap.
Attached is also the instructions in word doc.

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Title: “The Role of Podiatry in Managing Musculoskeletal Conditions: Current Evidence and Guidelines”

2000 word essay which weights 100% of the Musculoskeletal Podiatry (so a minimum of 70% grade is needed to be achieved for this work).Please use at least 10 different reliable resources. Information on what resources could be used are included in the power point attached below. Please also use NICE GUIDELINES as one of the references.Also, please “make sure” you do read every single slide on this power point and fully understand it before starting the write up.I’d appreciate it if you could kindly provide me with only one page (500 words) of the main body before the deadline please.

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Title: “Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Research Proposal and Ethics Application”

A Research Proposal for your dissertation (including ethics application)You must write a 1900 words research proposal setting out the research project you plan to undertake which you will then write up in the form of your dissertation (assignment two). Your research proposal needs to help whoever is reading it to understand why your research question is important, and how you will go about identifying/collecting evidence which, once analysed, should enable you to answer your research question.Your research proposal should include:• An introduction to your topic and the relevant background context (policy, data, existing research evidence and theory)• Your research question – it should be clear from your background context why this is an important research question. It can be helpful to develop a research question with aim(s) and objectives for the project. Your aim(s) will be where you intend to get to once you have completed the research project (this is likely to be that you have been able to answer your research question, and write up your dissertation). Your objectives will be the steps, or smaller pieces of work, along the way to this destination• Your research methods – setting out how you will identify/collect the evidence for your project – it is important to be specific about search terms you will use, databases you will search, and how you will select your sources in a structured and robust way. It is also important to set out how you will analyse your sources – this is about how you will process the data you have identified/collected so as to be able to present findings and answer your research question• A discussion of the relevant ethical considerations which relate to your research project – this will be longer for any students completing primary research (although primary research is only an option for those who have attended the summer workshops and gained ethical approval before the new academic year)• A conclusion where you set out your expected outcomes – this is an opportunity to make your proposal coherent, to reconnect to your research question, explaining how what you have proposed will enable you to answer your research question

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“Improving Access to Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: Implementing a Blitz Clinic to Reduce Waiting Times in the NHS”

I have attached the brief for your reference. The review will aim to encapsulate issues such as increased waiting times and how this can influence the health outcomes of the population who endure longer waiting times for musculoskeletal physiotherapy and do not receive the right care in a timely manner. We have been therefore tasked to come up with a service improvement idea to help reduce waiting times in the NHS. My service improvement idea is a Blitz Clinic to help reduce waiting lists/times for patients.

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“Exploring the Role of Genetic Mapping in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Literature Review” Research Question/Statement: How does genetic mapping influence the effectiveness and safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in treating Parkinson’s disease? List

I am trying to write my paper on Deep Brain Stimulation-Genetic Mapping in Parkinson’s disease. I need to come up with. a research topic and or question that has enough resource and peer reviewed articles about. I will have to work with the same writer until this project is complete. Uploaded are the papers to see if the field is worth going for. Also there is a template. So what I need is the research question/statement and the list of articles that can support that. attached articles are the starting point. Thank you in advance.

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Title: Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare: Defending and Critiquing Legal Rights and Obligations

• Develop a list the legal rights and/or obligations for the parties involved.
• Create an argument defending the position of each party involved.
• Recommend several strategies, identifiers, and clues for other administrators to recognize future potential organizational risk.
• Take on one identity of a healthcare professional on an ethics committee. (DOCTOR)
• Critique and refute the defending argument
• Make a recommendation on the case as the healthcare professional’s role you have taken serving on the ethic committee. (DOCTOR)

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“Enhancing Patient Care: The Implementation of a Follow-Up Visit Service by Occupational Therapists in Accident and Emergency Departments”

Hello, this assessment is coming with a new service idea or a service redesign. The idea I got approved was “ recruiting a new Occupational therapist or different type of health care professional to the accident and emergency occupational therapy team for them to go out on follow up visits 24 to 48 hours after a patient was discharged to reduce readmission numbers. The purpose of this visit would be to ensure the patient is managing at home and if they weren’t the OT could refer them on to additional services as necessary. This service needs to be collaborative with other professions so I was also thinking about engaging a physiotherapist or different health care profession to the visits also. The AnE service were I was last on placement, encounted a lot of collaboration between the OT and PT. The service has to be based with in NHS Scotland with relevant policies etc relating to that service.
I have attached the marking grid, guidance and a power point presentation with the different things that should be included in the assessment.
The script should be 2000 words at least as its 20 minutes talking and the poster does not have a word count.
Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.
Thank you

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Title: Examining the Role of Health Care Professionals in HIT Implementation and Justifying its Value through Financial Management

Examine Information Technology Implementation by analyzing a case on using integrated systems that collect, track, and share information across local- and wide-area network tools to clinical and administrative audiences.
Evaluate the role of health care professionals in HIT acquisition and implementation through application of financial management.
Applying your role as a summer intern for the not-for-profit organization that was presented in Week 2, you will continue preparatory work on the strategic plan by addressing the following:1. The Health Information Technology (HIT) standards are developed both by national and international organizations for local and global implementation. In the US, the national organization is NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) and the international organization is ISO (International Standards Organization).Compare and contrast the functions of these two organizations and their healthcare IT standards. Analyze their standard development processes. Which type of healthcare organizations should implement their standards and why? Assess the value of the standards on the international market as well as implications for not adopting the HIT standards globally?
2. Health Information Technology increases both efficacy and quality of healthcare and aids in operational and strategic planning. Although it incurs initial implementation investment and then periodic recurring maintenance and updating costs, it does not generate direct revenue, but the healthcare managers need to justify these costs to the executive management.Select two (2) methods or techniques that you would use to determine and justify the value of HIT. Evaluate both in terms of their pros and cons. Which of these two methods would you recommend to use for presentation to the management and why? Analyze how these two methods of HIT value determination differ from the traditional IT value determination for business and healthcare?
The format of this presentation is up to the students. It must be expanded and explanatory for non HIT professionals to comprehend. All supportive evidence need to be formatted in APA 7

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“Epidemiological Principles and Applications: A Critical Appraisal and Study Design”

Assessment is by means of a 3,000-word essay divided into two equally weighted (50% each) sections – Sections A and Section B – of 1,500 words each. The assessment will assess your understanding of epidemiological principles and terminology, and your ability to apply these to interpret and critically appraise quantitative health research.
Section A will be a critical appraisal worksheet on a research paper and Section B will be the design of an epidemiology study to address an important public or environmental health problem

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“Growing Together: A Gardening Group for Mental Health and Community Wellness”

I still do not have a title for the assignment. the idea is to develop and facilitate a gardening group with mental health problems in the community. it will be for individuals under the community mental health team. But also the staff may benefit from the group. Please look at the description of the assignment in the attached files. There is an example too.

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