“Breaking the Silence: Challenging Stigmas Surrounding Mental Health in Modern Society” Mental health is a topic that has long been shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. Despite advancements in our understanding of mental illness and the importance of mental

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“Breaking the Silence: Challenging Stigmas Surrounding Mental Health in Modern Society”

Mental health is a topic that has long been shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. Despite advancements in our understanding of mental illness and the importance of mental

Compose an argumentative essay about mental health and its stigmas, focused specifically on its perception at the present time, 1,000 words minimum in length, paragraphed, and MLA-formatted. This essay is expected to state a central idea about mental health and its stigmas, focused specifically on its perception at the present time, as a thesis, followed by convincing reasons (stated as topic sentences) and compelling examples, including the successful implementation of several Critical Thinking techniques, all supporting the central idea in a series of well-developed supporting paragraphs.
A title announcing the topic in some way is required. Your ideas for this essay may be inspired by the Week 16-17 anthology readings (Emerging), but those readings must not be used or cited as sources. Instead, include two brief quotes (no more and no less than three (3) lines each), placed in two different supporting paragraphs, and taken from two separate New York Times articles both published in recent years, that deal with the subject of mental health and its stigmas, focused specifically on its perception at the present time. Two quotes are required; only two quotes are permitted; quotes published more than three years ago are not permitted; only quotes published in recent years in the required two separate sources count as acceptable quotes. (Use an ellipsis … or brackets [ ] in the quotes as needed if you omit words from the original quotes for economy and conciseness or add words of your own for clarity and context.) List the required two separate New York Times articles selected by you on a Works Cited page according to MLA formatting and citation standards. The two separate articles are your only sources: two sources are required; only two sources are permitted; only two separate New York Times articles published in recent years, each of which deals with the topic assigned for Essay 6, count as acceptable sources. Submitted documents that contain less than the required minimum of 1,000 words receive an instant and automatic 0pts. (Double-check your document’s word count before uploading the file to this online platform. When one checks the word count of a .doc or .docx document to be uploaded to Canvas, one opens that document and looks at the number of words listed on the lower left of the screen. The same number is also listed in the Review menu at the top after clicking on Word Count in that drop-down menu. Your submitted document must have a word count listed as “1000 words” or higher on the lower left of the screen, and in the Review menu under Word Count, the same number of words must be stated there as “Words 1000” or higher.) Essay 6 papers submitted after due date specified under Assignments: Essay 6 are considered late papers; late papers receive an instant and automatic 0pts; revisions after the due date are not allowed; there are no makeups, and there is no extra credit.

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