“Adolescent Suicide Prevention: Strategies for Health Promotion and Anticipatory Guidance”

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“Adolescent Suicide Prevention: Strategies for Health Promotion and Anticipatory Guidance”

Age group and topic selected for this Assignment will be Adolescent and Suicide Prevention
Health Promotion/Anticipatory Guidance Presentation
Students will select an age group to focus on and decide on a topic from either the options listed below
or seek approval on a topic of the student’s choice with the course professor on a subject pertinent to
this course. The student will create a visual aid (brochure/handout) appropriate for parents as well as a
PowerPoint presentation with voice recording of their presentation. You will need to list journal
references less than five years old that demonstrate the following current best practice for health
promotion and plans for future research in the topic area presented. References must include at least
one NURSING journal. Information from web sites does not substitute for journal articles. Students are
encouraged to use creative and innovative strategies or techniques for presenting the topic. All
references must be in APA format. Web site information will need to be verified for accuracy.
Presentations should include the following components:
Introduction to the topic: Introduces the subject and describes the significance of the topic to health
promotion. States the objectives of the presentation
Background of the topic: Discusses the background (history, policy/law, other information) on the
3. Content of the topic: Describes the topic and includes application to the nursing process, Orem’s
framework and current research and other evidence on the topic.
Implications for health and/or safety, education, and research.
School Age
Injury Prevention (SIDS, car seats, etc.)
Injury Treatment
Screen time
Dental hygiene
Physical Activity
Water Safety
Social Media
STD prevention/sex education
Eating Disorders
Alcohol/tobacco/drug use
Suicide prevention

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