“Addressing the Nursing Shortage in California through Legislative Advocacy”

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Identify a problem or concern in California, a community, or an organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template, attached, to complete this.
-Three sources (use sources below). Sources must be drafted within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting.-A clear and accurate description of the problem (Nursing shortage), those affected, current ramifications, and consequences if the issue continues is presented.
-A thorough and accurate outline addressing the issue and explaining why legislation is the best course for advocacy is present.
-Thorough and accurate substantive evidence-based findings that support the idea for addressing the problem, including similar legislation in other states is present.
A thorough and accurate discussion of significant stakeholders in support of the proposed idea and why they support it, is present.
– A thorough and accurate discussion of significant stakeholders in opposition to the proposed idea and why they are opposed to the idea is present.
A thorough and accurate summary of the financial impact for the issue and idea is present.
– A thorough and accurate discussion of legislative information needed and process to advocate for proposal is present.
A thorough and accurate discussion about how principles of a Christian worldview lend support to legislative advocacy in health care without bias is present.
– Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.https://allnurses.com/how-write-your-legislator-t284873/https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/federal/https://nurse.org/articles/federal-staffing-ratios/https://www.amsn.org/advocacy/take-action/#/https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/state/https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/federal/nurses-serving-in-congress/

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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