Title: Improving Community Health: A Look at Demographics, Trends, and Healthy People 2030 Objectives

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Title: Improving Community Health: A Look at Demographics, Trends, and Healthy People 2030 Objectives

Go to County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. In the center of the page under “How Healthy is Your Community?” enter your zip code to learn about the health issues facing your county. First, expand the “Demographics” at the top of the page to gain a better idea of the people who live in your community. Then, take a look at the “Trend” column and click on some of the visualizations of the trends over time. Choose one of the measures that are trending down, as indicated by the red trend line.
Next, go to Healthy People 2030 and locate the corresponding topic to the measure you chose from the County Health Rankings. Review the Objectives and Evidence-Based Resources regarding your topic.
In an informational brochure or pamphlet, discuss the following:
1. Describe the demographics of the community.
2. Discuss the areas in which the community is doing well.
3. Describe the areas in which the community could improve.
4. Discuss the health measure you chose to focus on in detail. Describe how many people are impacted and their demographics. Include information regarding how the trend has changed over time. (Has it always been trending negatively? If the trend moved from positive to negative, when did this occur?)
5. Briefly describe the purpose of the Healthy People 2030 Objectives and Evidence-Based Resources and list the Objectives and Evidence-Based Resources Health People 2030 meant to address the health measure you chose.
6. After combining all of the metrics (health trends over time, demographics, objectives, and resources), explain three ways the community can assist with changing the trend from negative to positive.
Minimum Submission Requirements
For the document options:
• Your submission is composed in a Microsoft Word document.
• To meet the objective requirements, your response is at least 500 words in length.
• You may use a Microsoft Word template to add graphics and pictures.
• Your submission includes specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements to demonstrate mastery of the objective.
• Your submission includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
• Your response is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization.
• Your communication is highly ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
• Your submission displays exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.
• A separate page at the end of your response contains a list of references.
• Include both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources used following proper APA citation style.
This assignment does not need an abstract for it.

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